____ ____ __ __ ______ / ___) / ___) / / / / / __ ) / (_ / / / /_/ / / / ) / / ___) / / / __ / / / / / / (__ / (__ / / / / / (__/ / (_____)(_____)(_/ (_/ (______/ ______ ____ ____ __ __ ________ / __ )(_ _) / ___) / // / (_ __ _) / / ) / / / / (___ / // / / / / / / / / / / / /__ / / _ < / / / / / /__/ / _/ / ____) / / / / / _/ /_/ / /______/ (____)(_____/ /_/ /_/ (________) ______ (__ __) / / / / (_/hat's right folks, time once again to get your XapShots and digitizers out and create a photo of yourself to be distributed throughout the known universe! The idea behind the Amiga Disk is this: we have here a community of words and phrases formed by personalities that we have no way of attaching to an actual face. The Amiga Echo Disk is a collection of such 'photos' in IFF format, viewable on any Amiga throughout the land. This gives you a good idea of who you're "talking" to. The first set of EchoDisks contained a pic of Asha in her infamous bustier, Yours Truly redeaux in one fairly tame and one fairly bizarre interpretation, Orin amidst his creations, people posing with thier computers, people walking past the camera, and other more creative pics. Along with each pic were text-format bios of the person (self-authored) and some even had extra pics or sound samples (Jeff Johansen's Workbench, for instance -- out-a-sight!). The disks were distributed as a set and driven by a CanDo deck, usable on any Amiga. Now, almost a year after release, we are once again gathering together pics, sounds, and sights related to the people that form this, the AMIGA echo! WHAT TO DO Easy! Send your pics to myself or to Orin Palmer (criteria to follow along with addresses) HOW TO DO IT Preferably, pics should be in IFF format, HAM included. If you don't have a digitizer handy, a snapshot will do -- we can digitize and return these pics. IFF-24's and other high-res/high-color pic formats are acceptable, but will be reduced down to HAM. WHAT TO PUT IN IT Hey, it can be a simple pic of yourself at the family picnic, or you can get way out gonzo creative! I've seen some excellent pics that were done with the original subject and then enhanced in some way. Put yourself in an Imaginary scene, in the middle of your workbench, or your face on Arnold Schwarzenegger's body -- just have fun! Additionally, sound samples of your voice, favorite sound byte, or whatever can be integrated into the disk. Along with all this, please include a self-written bio or introduction to yourself. It doesn't have to be long, nor flashy, nor witty, just write what you feel like writing. WHO SHOULD SEND IT IN If you're reading this, you're in! Just because you're not a regular doesn't mean you don't count! Also, just because you were on the first disk collection doesn't mean you aren't welcome the second time around! Time has passed! People change! WHERE TO SEND IT IFF's and HAM pics should be sent to myself, either as a file attach to me at 1:202/739, or via Snail Mail to: Jeff Grimmett 3152 Kemper St #5 San Diego, CA 92110 24-bitters, XapShot disks, video tapes, flat pics should be sent to Orin Palmer either as a file attach to 1:202/739.10 or via US Snail to: Orin Palmer 540 Naples St. #28 Chula Vista, CA 91911 Suggestions for the Amiga Echo Disk are appreciated, as well as questions on unclear parts of the "official" AmigaEchDisk blurb (what you're reading).